Breastfeeding and a Balanced Diet
Whilst breastfeeding you will need about 500 more calories per day than a non-breastfeeding woman. If you feel hungry you should eat. This is your body's way of letting you know that you need more energy.
Some women feel ravenously hungry all the time when they are breastfeeding! Keep your blood sugar levels up by eating little and often. This will help to avoid dizziness or light-headedness.
Avoid snacking on sweets, biscuits, crisps or fizzy drinks. Instead make yourself a wholemeal sandwich with a glass of water or fruit juice if you feel peckish. Eat a good breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snack on fruit and vegetables between meals. Drink lots of water; this will help you avoid constipation and aid your milk supply.
Caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee and cola can reduce your supply and may agitate your baby as can alcohol and nicotine if you are smoking. If you can, then switch to decaffeinated substitutes.
If you have any questions or concerns about your diet speak to your health-visitor for advice.
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For the ultimate pregnancy treat, buy our Pregnancy Relaxation CD or download our Pregnancy Relaxation mp3 . Lie back, relax and connect with your unborn baby in the privacy of your own home.
Or, if you're currently struggling with a busy lifestyle and the added demands of parenting, try our Perfect Relaxation for Parents mp3 - take time out for yourself and awaken refreshed and ready to face whatever life throws at you!
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