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16 Weeks Pregnant - Signs of Pregnancy


At 16 weeks pregnant you will probably feel you need to urinate more frequently as your womb begins to press on your bladder.

On the plus side, however, any day now you may start to feel the quickening, that is, your baby's movements! These movements are light and fluttery and many women at first mistake them as wind. If this is your first baby you may not recognise the movements for another few weeks.

You may be offered an amniocentesis test between 16 and 20 weeks. This test analyses a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby and looks for serious genetic conditions such as Down's Syndrome. However, this test is not without risks; there is a 1 in 100 risk of miscarriage. Therefore it is usually only advised if you are in a high risk category, for example, if you are over 35 or there is a family history of certain genetic conditions.


Your baby is now more aware of what is going on in the womb and will react if your stomach is pressed or prodded in any way. He is also increasingly sensitive to light. Fat begins to form under his skin.

Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar

Weeks 1 - 10 Weeks 11 - 20 Weeks 21 - 30 Weeks 31 - 40+
1 week pregnant 11 weeks pregnant 21 weeks pregnant 31 weeks pregnant
2 weeks pregnant 12 weeks pregnant 22 weeks pregnant 32 weeks pregnant
3 weeks pregnant 13 weeks pregnant 23 weeks pregnant 33 weeks pregnant
4 weeks pregnant 14 weeks pregnant 24 weeks pregnant 34 weeks pregnant
5 weeks pregnant 15 weeks pregnant 25 weeks pregnant 35 weeks pregnant
6 weeks pregnant 16 weeks pregnant 26 weeks pregnant 36 weeks pregnant
7 weeks pregnant 17 weeks pregnant 27 weeks pregnant 37 weeks pregnant
8 weeks pregnant 18 weeks pregnant 28 weeks pregnant 38 weeks pregnant
9 weeks pregnant 19 weeks pregnant 29 weeks pregnant 39 weeks pregnant
10 weeks pregnant 20 weeks pregnant 30 weeks pregnant 40+ weeks pregnant