Best Positions for Getting Pregnant
Whilst you may have heard that certain love-making positions, such as the missionary position or doggy style (ie, your partner enters you from behind), are best for getting pregnant, there is no scientific evidence to prove this. Since millions of sperm are released in every ejaculation, any time you have unprotected sex, particularly if it is around your fertile time of the month, you are likely to conceive.
However, having observed couples having intercourse in both the missionary and doggy style positions, scientists know that these positions deposit sperm very close to the cervix. This means that the sperm are likely to make it to the uterus much more quickly and thus pregnancy is more likely.
Since there have been no such recorded observations of other sexual positions it is not yet known whether any of these may be more or less likely to result in pregnancy.
If you are keen to get pregnant there are several things you can try other than varying your position and these include:
Prepare for pregnancy (Read the article, Preparing for Pregnancy).
Keep a record of your menstrual cycle. You can do this by noting the day your period begins and how long it is before you have your next period. Some women have regular 28 day periods, some are every 30 days and so on. By recognising a pattern in your own cycle you can work out your fertile dates using an ovulation calculator. Once you are aware of your fertile dates you should try to have sex once a day.
When you are fertile, your cervical mucous will change. It will become more stretchy and very clear in appearance and is often likened to egg white. This normally happens around 10 days after the beginning of your last period and is often a very good indicator of ovulation. Having sex a few days before, during and after the appearance of this mucous makes pregnancy more likely. In fact, due to its lubricating properties, sex is also more enjoyable at this time as the mucous makes it more comfortable for both partners. In addition, it is known that the mucous makes it easier for the sperm to make their journey and it is also believed to be more nutritious for them!
Another sign of ovulation is that your temperature will increase very slightly when you are fertile so try taking your temperature every morning under the same conditions after your period. Whenever you notice a slight increase this can mean your chances of falling pregnant are higher.
Some women feel a slight pain which alternates from one side to the other every month when they ovulate and again this can be a good time to have sex.
Have lots of unprotected sex during your fertile times and afterwards try to lie on your back, perhaps raising your pelvis on a pillow or with your feet on the headboard! Although there is no evidence this works, lots of women swear by these techniques as they feel gravity helps the sperm find their way to the uterus more quickly.
If, after one year of regularly trying to conceive, or three to six months if you are 35 or older, you have not become pregnant then you should speak to your gp in case you have an underlying fertility problem. Your gp will ask you some questions such as when you started trying to get pregnant, any medication you may be on, any previous contraceptive use andso on. If she is satisfied that there is nothing she can rule out then she will most likely refer you for treatment which will examine both partners to see if either has a problem, and whether it can be treated with medication or surgery.
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