Links to Breastfeeding Websites, Blogs and Organisations
Below are links to breastfeeding websites, blogs and organisations which we think will be helpful to breastfeeding mothers.
The Australian Breastfeeding Association(ABA) is a large community-based self-help group, recognised as a leading authority on breastfeeding management. The Association provides innovative counselling and support services to the community and health sector throughout Australia. You will find a wealth of information for both breastfeeding women and for health professionals and others who are involved in supporting and promoting breastfeeding on their web site.
ACT/Southern New South Wales (02) 6258 8928
New South Wales (02) 8853 4999
Queensland (07) 3844 8977 or (07) 3844 8166
Townsville (07) 4723 5566
Cairns (07) 4058 0007
Toowoomba (07) 4639 2401
South Australia and NT (08) 8411 0050
Northern Territory counsellor contact line (08) 8411 0301
Tasmania (03) 6223 2609
Tasmania - North (03) 6331 2799
Victoria (03) 9885 0653
Western Australia (08) 9340 1200
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers
For breastfeeding support or to find a local group, our
helpline number is 0870 401 7711
Breastfeeding articles and research findings
Breastfeeding information for parents and professionals.
Provides support through awareness, and the website has a comprehensive list of support groups throughout the UK. They publish a free magazine for new mums, which peer support groups can also use to raise funds.
Breastfeeding Network Supporter line: 0870 900 8787 will put you in touch with a supporter 9:30am-9:30pm.
This is a fabulous leaflet with great images of women breastfeeding. It shows you exactly how to position your baby and how to get the baby to latch on properly.
Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
Breastfeeding and Parenting website.
Jane's Breastfeeding Resources
British site offering lots of Breastfeeding Articles, FAQ's, Forums, News, Help and Support!
Telephone Helpline 0845 120 2918
Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) - A peer-reviewed and fully referenced database of drugs to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. Among the data included are maternal and infant levels of drugs, possible effects on breastfed infants and on lactation, and alternate drugs to consider.
Breastfeeding Line: 0870 444 8708 8am to 10pm every day
Breastfeeding-supportive family of doctors.
UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action
Mothering and Breastfeeding Blogs, Forums and Communities
Find out how other mums are coping with motherhood and breastfeeding!
MumUnplugged: Just another novice mummy, doing her best to navigate the many ups and downs of motherhood. Changing nappies, singing silly songs, trying to keep the house and the baby at an acceptable level of cleanliness. And clinging onto her sense of humour (just).
The Truth about Breastfeeding: an evidence based medicine blog documenting one mother's personal experiences of breastfeeding and discussions about clinical research into breastfeeding issues.
Mumstown: An Irish website for mothers to communicate and network without ever getting out of their pyjamas!.
Breast Buddies Forum: Breast Buddies is a great new breastfeeding forum that offers help, support and a bit of a break for those hard feeding days.
Mama Knows Breast: Adventures in Breastfeeding Breastfeeding information, support
and news.
Breastfeeding Blog: Support and Community for breastfeeding
The Lactivist Blog: You Know What Happens When You
One of the lessons I learned with my first daughter is that no matter how
pro-breastfeeding you are, you can NEVER make assumptions... Most moms can't wait for their babies to start calling them Mommy. Me? I wasn't looking forward to it. Now "Mama" on the other hand, couldn't come fast enough...
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