Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Peritoneal mesothelioma refers to the presence of mesothelioma in the abdomen, in particular the abdominal lining.
The peritoneum is the area of tissue which lines the abdomen and it is responsible for protecting the entire contents of the abdomen. As with the pleura in the lungs, the peritoneum produces a lubricating fluid which allows our organs to move smoothly.
Mesothelioma does not usually spread to other body parts. However, if it does, then normally the symptoms are mild. In fact the early symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are very difficult to detect so if you are experiencing any of them and you know or suspect you have worked in an asbestos contaminated environment in the past, it is vital you let you doctor know as soon as possible so he can begin investigations and any mesothelioma treatments required without delay.
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