Looking for some Pregnancy Information? Start here for a list of useful pregnancy resources...
Pregnancy is a time of great joy and wonder for the majority of women although for many it is often unplanned and comes as something of a shock. However, it's worth bearing in mind that even planned pregnancies can cause some surprise!
The best thing to do before getting pregnant and as soon as possible afterwards is to seek out reliable and useful sources of pregnancy information.
This may mean visiting your local library to pick up some pregnancy books or a trip to the local bookstore. It may mean asking your gp for some leaflets or asking friends and family for advice.
It can also mean visiting your local family planning clinic, reading up about pregnancy online and joining any one or more of the online pregnancy forums currently available.
Locally you may also find that there are pre-natal classes being run by your health board or by private individuals. Make sure you ask around though before splashing out as word of mouth can be the best recommendation of all.
Below is a list of pregnancy information sources which you may find useful.
You can also submit your pregnancy information site here for inclusion on this page.
Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC)
Non-directive support and information throughout the antenatal testing process.
Tel: 020 7631 0285
Email: info@arc-uk.org
Website: www.arc-uk.org
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers
Runs a helpline and a forum on their website
Helpline: 08444 122 949
Website: www.abm.me.uk
Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services (AIMS)
Information about all aspects of maternity care for parents and professionals.
Tel: 0870 765 1433
Website: www.aims.org.uk
Information on birth options and where to have your baby.
Website: www.birthchoiceuk.com
The premature baby charity.
Helpline: 0500 618140
General enquiries: 020 7378 1122
Email: information@bliss.org.uk
Website: www.bliss.org.uk
Breastfeeding Network
Supporterline: 0844 412 4664
Website: www.breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk
Breastfeeding Mums Forums
Forums about Pregnancy, Birth, Breastfeeding, Babies... and everything in between!
Website: forum.breastfeedingmums.com
British Pregnancy Advisory Service
Information about emergency contraception, pregnancy testing and what to do next.
Actionline: 0845 730 4030
General enquiries: 0870 365 5050
Website: www.bpas.org.uk
Helpline for information and advice on pregnancy, and abortion counselling.
Tel: 0800 028 2228
Website: www.careconfidential.org.uk
Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Provides a helpline offering information and support on all aspects of ectopic pregnancy.
Tel: 01895 238025
Email: ept@ectopic.org
Website: www.ectopic.org
Getting Pregnant
Facts on fertility and the quest to become pregnant.
Website: www.gettingpregnant.co.uk
La Leche League (GB)
Promotes breastfeeding and offers a support helpline.
Helpline: 0845 120 2918
General enquiries: 0845 456 1855
Email: admin@laleche.org.uk
Website: www.laleche.org.uk
Offers free, confidential information, counselling and support for women contemplating abortion, suffering after pregnancy loss or struggling to cope after abortion.
Helpline: 0800 915 4600
Text-to-Talk: 07786 200 330
Email: info@lifecharity.org.uk
Website: www.lifecharity.org.uk
National Childbirth Trust
Breastfeeding line: 0870 444 8708
Email: enquiries@nct.org.uk
Website: www.nct.org.uk
Offers support when a baby dies during pregnancy or after birth.
Information service: 020 7436 5881
General enquiries: 020 7436 7940
Website: www.uk-sands.org
Information to help maximise the chance of having a healthy pregnancy.
Information service: 0870 777 3060
General enquiries: 0870 770 7070
Email: mailbox@tommys.org
Website: www.tommys.org
Twins and Multiple Birth Association (TAMBA)
Twinline: 0800 138 0509
Tel: 0870 770 3305
Website: www.tamba.org.uk
Twins Club
Website: www.twinsclub.co.uk
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For the ultimate pregnancy treat, buy our Pregnancy Relaxation CD or download our Pregnancy Relaxation mp3 . Lie back, relax and connect with your unborn baby in the privacy of your own home.
Or, if you're currently struggling with a busy lifestyle and the added demands of parenting, try our Perfect Relaxation for Parents mp3 - take time out for yourself and awaken refreshed and ready to face whatever life throws at you!
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