Keep your Memories Safe in A Pregnancy Journal
Keeping a regularly updated pregnancy journal is a lovely way to keep track of all your precious pregnancy memories; from finding out you're pregnant to the very first kick you feel, the seemingly relentless morning sickness to the first signs of labor!
The best thing of all is that if you look after your pregnancy journal you can pass it on to your child when he/ she is older and it will become a beautiful family keepsake.
In order to make the most of your pregnancy journal you need to decide whether it will be updated daily or weekly. Whatever you decide though, you should try to update it regularly. It will also serve you later if you have other pregnancies in that it will allow you to compare the journey you've been on with each pregnancy!
Although nowadays you can buy specially created pregnancy journals it's not strictly necessary to do so as it can be nice to have one that is unique to you. All you really need for that is a diary style book and pen! Many mothers-to-be enjoy decorating the cover themselves and adding scan pictures and photos as they become available, thus charting the progression of their pregnancy.
These day many parents-to-be also like to have an online pregnancy journal so that they can share their pregnancy stories with family, friends and even strangers around the world! This can be kept alongside a traditional pregnancy journal or instead of one. The choice is yours...
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