Second Stage of Labour
This is the stage of labor when you will deliver your baby! For some mothers it just takes a few minutes to push the baby out whilst for others it can take a few hours. Women who have had an epidural and first-time mothers usually take longer than those who have previously given birth.
Your midwife will encourage you to push with each contraction although often the feeling is such that you cannot fight against it and you may find your body doing its own thing!
You may find you change position several times during the pushing stage but just go with it and do whatever feels safe and comfortable for you. Your midwife will encourage you to push down into your bottom at this point.
Just before the baby's head crowns your midwife will tell you to stop pushing in order to allow the vaginal tissues time to stretch and to help avoid perineal tearing. This may also be the time when you may receive an episiotomy, ie a small surgical cut in the perineum to make more room for the baby's head to be delivered. If you prefer to tear naturally you should make sure you say so in your birth plan.
As the baby's head is about to crown you may be offered the opportunity to feel the top of his head, or you may be able to get your birth partner to hold a mirror so you can see what is happening. The effect of this is often enough to cause the baby to crown! The baby's airways will be cleared and the umbilical cord will be unwrapped if it is around his neck or he is entangled in it.
With a sudden gush, the rest of the baby's body will be born! Congratulations... you're a mum!
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